This is the third and final post about our reader’s $3.00 bag story. If you missed the first part of the series, here is the link to start reading it. Here is the link to the second part of the story, in case you missed it.
Here’s the breakdown on three bracelets that were in the $3.00 bag of jewelry.
Three Charm Bracelets included in the three dollar bag of jewelry from an estate sale.
The top bracelet in the picture, is Mexican with a sterling silver mark. There are 7 charms on this bracelet. This bracelet alone is worth way more than $3.00, especially if he resells it as a piece of beautiful jewelry and not as scrap silver. What a beautiful charm bracelet. Here’s a closeup picture of the sterling silver mark on the clasp.
Here's a closeup picture of the sterling silver mark on the Mexican charm bracelet.
The middle bracelet is marked Goldette NYC Inc. It is a double chain bracelet, perfect holding a lot of charms. There are 14 charms on this bracelet. He priced the bracelet alone on eBay and they sell for $26.99. This doesn’t include the charms. The bracelet and the charms are not silver, but it would make a great gift or to resell on eBay. After all, he got it in a bag deal, so it would pay for the $3 investment. Here’s a close up picture of the bracelet.
Here's a closeup of the silver toned costume bracelet with 14 charms.
The bottom bracelet is marked P & B Sterling on the pig. Does that stand for Pork and Beans (I couldn’t resist using that phrase)? After a little research he found out it stood for Paye & Baker. They manufactured jewelry until about 1960. There are 4 charms on this bracelet. He found another Paye & Baker charm bracelet on eBay selling for $129.50, although that one had nine charms. Who knows how much this little charm bracelet is worth, but I know it is more than $3.00. Here is a close up picture of the P&B sterling mark on the pig.
Here's a closeup of the P & B sterling mark on the Pig Charm. Pork and Beans anyone?
Here’s an additional tip about charm bracelets. A person can add charms to it after it is purchased. Some bracelets are sold plain, this way a person can add their own charms. What does this mean to you? Some of these charms might be sterling silver, while others might be silver toned (which contain no silver). Be sure to check each charm individually for a mark. A few or all of them might be marked sterling silver. If the bracelet is cheap enough, I’d buy it and check for marks later.
Don’t forget this isn’t all of the jewelry that came in the $3 bag. There were additional pieces that would make awesome gifts for some jewelry loving grand daughters. Did our reader score or what? I say he scored big time. What do you say?
Good Luck and Happy Hunting,
~Vicki Priebe Author of "Cheap Gold and Silver"