Here’s a cool bangle bracelet complete with grapes to wet your appetite. All I need now is a giant leaf fan to go with it. It was purchased from a yard sale for a dollar.

Sterling Silver Grape Bracelet. Anyone have a fan to go with the grapes?
The bracelet is marked Mexico 925, TO-56 for the maker’s mark. It weighs 21.29 grams.

Sterling Silver Grape Bracelet with Mexico 925 and Maker's Mark.
I sold it on November 30, 2013 for $12.50 plus shipping. After fees and the initial cost, I made a profit of $9.

Sterling Silver Grape Bracelet Sold Screen Shot.
Why do I mention this story? Here’s the reasoning. To tell you the truth, I didn’t really like this bracelet. I didn’t know if it would sell, but I listed it anyway as a actual jewelry item rather than scrap silver. I was surprised when it sold quickly.
It turns out items that are unusual in appearance or funky can do quite well as jewelry items. Just because you don’t like something, chances are someone in this big world will love it.
Good Luck and Happy Hunting,
~Vicki Priebe
Author of “Cheap Gold and Silver”