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Gold, Silver, Gems & Jewelry!!!

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A Valuable Watchband without the Actual Watch

Here’s a story about one of my latest finds. It illustrates a few good points, so I wanted to share it with you.

This past Friday I paid a visit to my local thrift store (which is frequented heavily by people). While I was there, I decided to check out the cheap watches and bracelets. The ones hanging on the racks (not the ones kept in the cases). I wanted to determine if sterling silver is ever put on these racks. Almost all of the sterling silver jewelry is kept in the locked glass cases. You know the bargain hunter in me wanted to find out if I’d ever get a bargain on that rack.

I am happy to report – I got a bargain…the sterling silver kind! Here’s what happened. While looking through the watches, I noticed a band that read genuine leather. I picked it up. The little metal sliders looked like silver, so I started looking for a mark on them. Sure enough, there it was 925. I looked at the price tag, $1.99. Wow!

Genuine Leather Labeled Watchband with Sterling Silver Sliders. From the Treasure Fever Blog.

Genuine Leather Labeled Watchband with Sterling Silver Sliders.

What made the deal even better was I had a 30% off coupon to use on my purchases that day. I didn’t pay $1.99 for that watchband with sterling silver. I paid $1.39 for it.

Sterling Silver Sliders on a Leather Watchband without the watch.  From the Treasure Fever Blog.

Sterling Silver Sliders on a Leather Watchband without the watch.  From the Treasure Fever Blog.

Sterling Silver Sliders on a Leather Watchband without the watch.  From the Treasure Fever Blog.

Sterling Silver Sliders on a Leather Watchband without the watch

Sterling Silver Sliders on a Leather Watchband Minus the Actual Watch. I paid $1.39, since I had a 30% off coupon.

After I got it home, I looked at the little metal buckle and found the 925 mark on it too. All three pieces of metal are marked 925. I purchased a beautiful watchband with sterling silver for $1.39. That was a real bargain in my book.

Sterling Silver Sliders on a Leather Watchband without the watch.  From the Treasure Fever Blog.

Sterling Silver mark on a Leather Watchband without the watch.  From the Treasure Fever Blog.

Sterling Silver Watchband Buckle

Here are the lessons. Someone took the watch off the band, left the sterling silver pieces behind, and donated it. The thrift store considered it junk since the actual watch was missing, but not me. Sterling silver is NEVER junk to me. I hope you don’t consider it junk either. It is a precious metal and an investment. Keep an eye out on those costume jewelry racks, precious metal objects do wind up on those racks for cheap prices. If you happen to have a store coupon, it makes it an even better deal. Finally, even highly visited thrift stores still have precious metal bargains lying around to find. Remember, not everyone considers sterling silver valuable, so they aren’t looking for it. Be sure to look for it hiding in plain sight.

Let me know what you find on those racks. I want to hear your treasure stories and lessons, so be sure to send them to me.

Good Luck and Happy Hunting,

Vicki Priebe Author of Cheap Gold and Silver


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